Discover the visual power of your business

We are always looking to create striking and memorable brands

case studies

01    Johny the cat Records

Brand Identity /  Music Industry

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Image with two pictures. On the left, photo of white T-shirt with logo of Johny the cat records. The T-shirt is placed on a chair. On the left, picture of a girl wearing headphones. The girl is looking at a music vinyl. The girl is wearing a white T-shirt with an illustration of a cat.

02    Loto Quebec

Set Design /  Lottery & Entertainment

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03   Career Confidence for Immigrants

Brand Identity /  Career Development

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Image of a man walking in front of a wall in the street. The wall is filled with posters with vivid colors. The posters were designed as part of the brand identity for career confidence for immigrants.

04   Mi Todo

Brand Identity /  Food & Beverage

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Image of full branding for the brand Mi Todo. Showing the menu, interior design; a box for big cakes in white color with a flower pattern in green all over the box, the box has a rectangular label with the information of the cake and the company contact information; a box design for small cakes in green with a flower pattern in white all over the box; the business cards designed for the company; the postcard designed to be sent to the client as a thank you note for their purchase. The final item is a paper bag in white with a flower pattern in green all over the bag, with a rectangular label glued in front of the bag, with the logo and the contact information of Mi Todo.

05   Space is for you

Brand Identity /  Aerospace Industry

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Logo designed for aerospace company Space is for you.